Saturday, 30 April 2016

Social media and a new Webpage

The British Dupuytren's Society is on Twitter, we have a Pinterest button and I just joined LinkedIn under my own name, but added the BDS as workplace so we can use it for charity contacts as well. It is going slow, but we are trying to make the best of the social media. I still prefer Facebook, I know what I do with that! Can't get used to only being allowed a very limited number of words for a tweet, and I still don't see the fun of LinkedIn, or maybe there is no fun to it? Anyway, we are trying.
I added a new webpage to our website. It is a collection of mentions of hand problens and miracle healing mainly, just to see if the four mentioned by Elliot and Whaley were one-offs or if I could find any others. Judge for yourself, I am not saying they are or are not evidence of Dupuytren's through the centuries.
 Forgive the different fonts, it was all the same on the document I typed, not sure why Wordpress changed it and not sure how to fix it! Any help will be gratefully accepted. (Any 12 year old probably knows Wordpress better than I do!)
Genesis Cancer Care is expanding the options for patients with Dupuytren's, Ledderhose or plantar fasciitis, the are now going to offer inital consultations in Nottingham as well as the traditional clinic in Guildford. Treatment can than be done in any of their clinics, either both weeks in the same place or in two different places for those who find it a good opportunity to visit different parts of the UK.

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