Tuesday, 4 February 2014

After a week relaxing without internet in Wales ( I did drop some BDS leaflets at the local Spire hospital in Abergele, seeing I had rented a cottage 2 minutes walk away) it is now time to start sorting the charities fnances. Accessing the bank account- I found the gadget back that I needed but hd to get it synchronised again, then struggled with the website, but finally I managed to arrange payment to the IDS for the last 2 years contribution. And I registered the BDS with HMRC online to try get tax refund on donations from taxpayers. That was a morning and a half work.
After that I fixed a bird feeding table that had fallen over in the winds- screwdrivers are really not good for those with Dupuytren's, my hands hurt! I hope the birds appreciate my sacrifice. And have now bought an electric screwdriver for the next time.
The editorial we were writing for Sobi is finished, now me have to write an article for the Paget's society's newsletter about a possible link between Paget's and Dupuytren's or Peyronie's. Another few weeks work there I think. But it raises awareness, and I am all for that. And if any researcher were to see it and decide to investigate a bit further I will be very happy.
Still no plans for our AGM, as we need to be able to present a financial staement, and for that we need to have the bank statements all in one place. So that will take more time.
But it will happen. Coffee-o'clock now I think, and maybe a little piece of shortbread with it?

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