Monday, 12 June 2017

Researcher needs patient representatives near Liverpool!

Dear all, I received this email:
Dr Elizabeth Laird, from the Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease at the University of Liverpool, is submitting a research proposal to investigate the mechanisms of the disease and potential targets for therapy.
In the short-term it would be very useful to approach a few patients for feedback on a lay summary of the proposal (attached), their thoughts on the research premise, and possibly to discuss the study directly with the researchers. The submission deadline for this proposal is 28th June, so any patient input we can manage in this short time would be most welcome.
In the longer-term, local patient representatives would be sought for ongoing involvement with the project and developing strategies to share research with the community, potentially establishing a panel to review and input into further research projects and establish links to the patient community.
I don't know how technical minded you need to be but suspect not very, so please do respond and offer your input!
If any of you are interested please contact or for more information or to offer help.

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