Monday, 5 September 2016

A new trustee and NICE proposed guidelines for radiotherapy

It would seem it was to quick last time, I can now introduce another trustee. Mr Mike Hayton BSc(hons) MBChB, FRCS (Trauma and Orth), FFSEM(UK) has joined us. He is a Dupuytren's expert, a consultant surgeon who works in Manchester and Wrightington Hospital and has a world of experience. he performs all surgical treatments possible for Dupuytren's including Xiapex and PNF, and has been active in the NICE appraisal as well as presenting at and attending conferences, teaching lectures and workshops and in general doing all he can for Dupuytren's patients.

And with luck there will be more soon! We also need active patient members, people to help with patient and doctors contacts, fundraising, bring in new ideas for the charity, webdesign, whatever your expertise is!

We need anyone who feels strongly about treatment being available on the NHS to consider responding to NICE' proposed guidelines for radiotherapy for Dupuytren's. You have to register, and read the proposed guidelines then give your comments, which can be very technical about a certain point or just general about the whole paper stating what you think, why radiotherapy is an important options for patients and why you feel the NHS should offer it at the right stage of the disease. Especially those who have had radiotherapy either private or via the NHS are well suited to give their experiences and opinion.
Or if you are against all this you can also comment, with reasons!

The new page is progressing well, though all this trustee welcoming is slowing it down a bit. Not to worry, we shall get there.

More soon, when we have news again! Look after yourselves and visit us on Facebook or Twitter.

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