Sunday 13 September 2015

Waiting for NICE final decision

Almost crunchtime now, next week NICE make their final decision on collagenase use in England on the NHS public. I am not hopeful, but you never know.
We can edit our website again, so I have updated the doctors page with the new information I have, and added a page with tips on how to cope with Dupuytren's or Ledderhose. If anyone has any other good tips email me and I might add them next time!
Prof Nanchahal in Oxford is starting a clinical trial looking into a novel treatment to stop nodules developing into cords. NIHR ( National institute for health research) has put money aside for a trial comparing collagenase in moderate cases with needle aponeurotomy. So this is all positive!!
For the links just go to our website, they are on the 'home' page.
Birgir has attended a NICE scoping meeting on collagenase treatment for Peyronie's. We are not sure if that is going to progress to an appraisal (ie if NICE is going to consider paying on the NHS).
Gary is running more and more, a tribute to his chosen treatment of radiotherapy for his Ledderhose, a few years ago he would not have been ale to contemplate walking any distance, never mind training for a half marathon. And for those who advocate surgery: that is always an option, but seeing there is always a risk of recurrence and painful scarring, this seemed the better first choice to him. And it worked! Gary will be running his half marathon to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer Uk. Any sponsorship will be welcome, can be done via his Ledderhose blog.

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