Saturday 6 April 2013

Dupuytren's publications

Gary mentioned a nice little program (free) that can sort out PDF files on your computer. So I gave it a try. Love it, it can import files, finds author name date etc by itself in many cases, you can make annotations in thetext, add tags or keywords for easy finding.. And you can for a group to share some of the files with 2 other people ( Gary and Judith, my fellow trustees)

Problem: in the group you can only share up to 100MB of data. And over the last 18 months I have collected a lot more! Maybe I have been going over the top a bit, anything that was a free download and looked interesting landed on my computer, so I have over 220 publications on my computer, and 
I am never going to find the time to read them all!

Still Mendeley allows sorting them into folders, so I have made a radiotherapy folder for when we have time to formulate a response to the BSSH ( we need 2 or 3 of us on the computer at the same time for that), and a folder for articles on prevalence and statistics, historical papers, ectopic disease.. and a general file.

So if anyone is looking for an article, I can't promise I have it but you can always ask!


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