Friday 3 May 2019

Big news and bigger news!

I am not sure which is the biggest news item here!
We are planning a second webinar. This one will be on PNF, speakers are Prof Tim Davis, Prof Steven Hovius (who did the lipofilling trial), Dr Gary Pess (who performs more PNF than anyone else in the US probably), Prof Chris Bainbridge (from the Pulvertaft Centre in Derby), and patients Ian Ireland (personal experience) and Anna Schurer (PNF and the NHS).
It will be the 20th May, at 8pm GMT. As before it will be using a program called Zoom. We have quite a few places left, so if you're interested and haven't let me know yet, send me an email!

The second news item: Oxfords own professor Jagdeep Nanchahal has won the 2019 Dupuytren's Award, for his work on adalimumab in Dupuytren's (the RIDD trial) This award was sponsored by patients from the BDS and the (now defunct) American DDSG Facebook group, as well as the IDS (International Dupuytren Society). A worldwide acknowledgement for the study. Many congratulations to Prof Nanchahal and his team.

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